What policies to make waste management shift toward circular economy? How to better align waste collection to recycling? How to shift to better-performing waste collection systems?

The COLLECTORS project provided some answers to these questions during its final conference, on 17 November 2020. The need to harmonise data, waste collection systems and quality requirements came back several times in the discussions led by COLLECTORS partners and experts in the field.

This H2020 project, that will reach its end in December, aims to identify and highlight existing good practices on the collection and sorting of packaging and paper waste (PPW), waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and construction and demolition waste (CDW) and provides guidelines for decision-makers on effective instruments to optimise waste collection systems.

Both the findings of COLLECTORS and the exchanges made with different external stakeholders during several working groups and events are cristallised in policy recommendations. They focus on six key topics: harmonisation of separation guidelines, improvement of local WEEE collection, EPR fee modulation, local knowledge and data availability, recycling of construction and demolition waste, and the economic sustainability of high sorting performances.

Read a summary of the conference and access the presentations here.