On the 10th of February 2021 the SMART WASTE partners met – once again virtually – to discuss the current status of the project’s activities and to agree on the approach to be followed in the Semester 4. As in case of the previous meeting, the key topic was how to maintain a high level of experience exchange despite travel restrictions and very limited possibilities for physical meetings.

While discussing the previous semester, the partners concluded that the activities had been implemented in time and with a very good collaboration between partners. Policy Evaluation, Matching Good Practices and Failures, and Policy Improvements are continuing in all the territories. As a result of partners’ work, 3 new Good Practices have been submitted in the Semester 3 while 4 more are in progress, whereas the 1st SMART WASTE policy improvement has been approved by the JS. Despite many difficulties, all partners continue their intensive work on the local level, exchanging with each other and with the stakeholders.

This meeting was a chance to recall the communication targets for the forthcoming semester and to share the templates for the Action Plans. The partners agreed to continue with the same approach in the forthcoming semester: to make use of available digital tools to keep contacts with stakeholders, to organise virtual meetings, to provide regular updates and to keep intensive local and regional exchange dynamic.

Physical meetings and study visits are put on hold, but not cancelled, due to their importance for the project. Partners stay very optimistic and dedicated, and in the period to come they will define the new schedule of the events based on the developments of the COVID-19 pandemic situation. More than 2,600 visits to the project website during the Semester 3 show good level of interest by the wider audience for the project’s topic, which is considered as an additional motivation for the partners.