On 4th of June 2020, the Regional Council of Tuscany, the region’s legislative assembly, adopted the Regional Law no. 34 which puts into force a comprehensive list of actions to support further development of circular economy. It foresees establishing of permanent regional working groups aimed to reach consensus among regional stakeholders on relevant actions to be developed and undertaken to strengthen circular economy in the region.

By a Decree issued on 23rd of November 2020, the Regional Government of Tuscany, the region’s executive, formally established working groups for the following 11 regional economic sectors and waste streams:

  • Marble mining and manufacturing;
  • Textiles manufacturing sector;
  • Leather industry;
  • Pulp and paper industry;
  • Tanning industry;
  • Chemical sectors;
  • Iron and steel industry;
  • Municipal waste and waste from electric and electronic equipment;
  • Constructions and demolition waste;
  • Sludge form wastewater treatment;
  • Gold manufacturing sector.

Each working group includes representatives from Tuscany Region: ARRR (SMART WASTE LP), regional environmental protection agency, businesses, artisans and SMEs associations, trade unions, regional authorities for municipal waste management and water services. Tuscany universities and public research centres will also support activities of every working group.

The main task of each working group is to deliver an Action Plan detailing relevant actions to be developed in order to support both well-established best practices and operational tests on possible relevant innovation. The first meeting took place in January 2021 and by the end of April 2021 there have been 6 more meetings. Working program and working methodologies in both online and offline scenario have been established.

By being a working member of each group, ARRR has got a valuable opportunity to gain state-of-the-art insight into existing regional best practices in circular economy from several regional stakeholders (including some of SMART WASTE local stakeholders group) and to share the outcomes of SMART WASTE project as well as proposals developed through interregional exchange activities with project partners and INTERREG Europe PLP services support.

Source and more information: https://www.toscana-notizie.it/web/toscana-notizie/-/economia-circolare-costituti-11-tavoli-tecnici-per-una-toscana-sostenibile