Since today and for the next six months, Slovenia is holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, under the slogan "Together. Resilient. Europe." The programme of the Slovenian Presidency, based on four priorities, aims to facilitate the EU's recovery and reinforce its resilience, reflect on the future of Europe, strengthen the rule of law and European values, and increase security and stability in the European neighbourhood.

The Slovenian Presidency already announced that it will push for the effective implementation of the Next Generation EU instrument and the Recovery and Resilience Facility to make the most of these two instruments to accelerate the green and digital transition, which will create jobs, strengthen the resilience of our societies and ensure the health of our environment.

Slovenia will pursue the work started to achieve a climate-neutral EU by 2050 and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. Notably, it will strive for the transposition of the set objectives into binding European legislation. A major milestone for that will be the release of the ‘Fit for 55’ package of 11 climate and energy policy measures the European Commission plans to table on 14 July. The package will be on the agenda of the informal meeting of EU environment ministers on 20 July.

Another milestone will be the COP26 conference in Glasgow, in November, as it will provide an additional opportunity for the EU to show its determination and convince the rest of the world to take action now.

In the area of circular economy, Slovenia will consider the proposal for a regulation concerning batteries and waste batteries, which is an example of a comprehensive approach to the complete life-cycle of a product.

SMART WASTE partners will monitor, as usual, the European institutions activities relevant for waste management, in order to make the most of every upcoming regulations from the EU level.

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Photo by Renan Greca on Unsplash