• What are the main learnings and results from the project for you and your region?

Within Tipperary the stakeholders on the project outlined that the main learning included knowledge exchange of challenges experienced, and identifying solutions to those challenges.  

It was essential to provide information at its most local level, and of interest to the participants and within this the SUPER project supported events and stakeholders by means of webinars, workshops and showcase event like Energy in Agriculture in August and Local Enterprise Office events to showcase energy opportunities within the county.

  • What benefits have Interreg Europe project brought to you and your region?  

The Benefits identified were using the knowledge and experience gained through networking with other EU Partners and stakeholders to identity opportunities. Tipperary Local Enterprise Office in supporting the uptake and awareness of rural SME’s in environmental process, due to the participation in this project were enabled to create links, establish requirements with SME’s and to provide support supports at a local level in County Tipperary.