AgroRES partners had an online Steering Committee meeting on 23 September 2021. In this first steering committee meeting of AgroRES project during semester 5, strong hopes for physical meetings for facilitating interregional learning and knowledge sharing were already taking place!
AGENEX gave a technical and financial review of AgroRES project with a focus on reporting project semester 4 activities and an overview of project semester 5 activities. Particularly, the progress of an action plan in each region was discussed. It was noted that stakeholders are highly involved in the development process of the action plan across regions. In addition, Regional Council of North Karelia presented communication and dissemination activities in the meeting.
While possibilities and timetable for physical meetings were discussed, the project partners will closely monitor covid-19 situation in each partner country in order to facilitate safe joint physical meetings for project partners and stakeholders. When the covid-19 situation allows, physical meetings will greatly accelerate interregional learning for developing actions plans in each participating region.