On Wednesday October 14, MATCH-UP, OptiTrans and e-smartec organised the Participatory Lab “Mobilizing people for active low carbon mobility”, which was held in the framework of the European Week of Cities and Regions 2020.
The Lab aimed to share Good Practices and Policies on behavioural changes and other initiatives towards accessible, inclusive, and low-carbon mobility among the 3 involved project and with the other participants. The event hosted a series of talks presenting the three projects and interesting Good Practices gathered in different European Cities and Regions on behavioural change towards active low carbon mobility.
All the presentations are available here.
After the full round of presentations, the discussion took place in 3 different round tables, where participants were invited to participate:
- Awareness raising for behavioural change.
- Behavioural change for active mobility.
- Leave no one behind – accessible and sustainable mobility.
During the event, participants had the possibility to discuss barriers and opportunities given by involving citizens in co-designing urban and mobility policies and shared experiences, solutions and successes achieved.
The workshop has highlighted the importance of working on participation as a key point for a real behavioural change into active mobility.
We need to engage all actors that are part of this process, from the managing authorities and stakeholders level to citizens.
In particular, citizens are the essential subject that should be actively involved since the beginning and from a very young age in order to achieve a real and wider behavioural influence and make the future more actively mobile.