The Hessian Action Plan seeks to amplify the participatory approach within a SUMP process, focusing mainly on empowering the implementing actors. The Actions outlined will help this German state achieve the objectives set in its ‘Hessen's Mobility Strategy 2035’.
The State of Hessen is committed to creating the best conditions to make the transport turnaround in the region by 2035 a de facto reality. ‘Hessen's Mobility Strategy 2035’ focuses on its municipalities - which are critical actors in enforcing participation processes. The Actions outlined in its Action Plan will help to accomplish these objectives effectively.
The stakeholders involved in this Action Plan are, namely, the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing (HMWEVW), transport planners from, among others, Frankfurt/Main, Darmstadt, and Limburg, decision-makers, and, last but not least, people who are responsible for participatory formats in transport planning.
The Hessian Action Plan consists of two actions:
- ACTION 1: Online Toolbox for participatory formats and marketing techniques
- ACTION 2: Capacity Building for municipal representatives
ACTION 1: Online Toolbox for participatory formats and marketing techniques
The Online Toolbox makes an integral contribution to the facilitated implementation of marketing and participation processes in sustainable mobility and transport planning in Hessian municipalities. It represents a constant basis for the independent acquisition of knowledge and skills and helps find respective methods that meet the municipal needs and target groups, thus increasing user acceptance.
In terms of content, it will mostly be fed by the good practices identified in the e-smartec project and crucial factors identified in the context of stakeholder events.
ACTION 2: Capacity Building for municipal representatives
Developing application-oriented, custom-fit training formats is advisable for secure handling and efficient implementation of participation methods in practice. In comes ACTION 2!
ACTION 2 (a capacity-building programme) is designed to complement ACTION 1 (online toolbox), helping municipalities create and implement participation formats in their SUMP processes.
This capacity-building programme will be divided into the following four modules:
- Basics of the SUMP process and participation.
- In practice: do's and don'ts of a successful participation process.
- Dealing (constructively) with critics.
- Marketing activities.
For more detailed information about the Hessian Action Plan, check e-smartec's online library here.
To check the video introducing Hessen's work in e-smartec, check here.