Materahub started the implementation phase of its approved Action Plan by presenting it in two occasions: one technical at Fiera del Levante in Bari at Salone del Restauro, on the 2nd of September, with operators from cultural heritage, the second for the community of local stakeholders that are going to be actively involved in the actions at Complesso del Casale in Matera, a new cultural hub that has been recovered and that will be the headquarter of the implementation phase.

The second event, on the 18th of September, in particular was key to introduce the plan to the local stakeholders, from Matera municipality to the members of Basilicata Creativa Cluster, from the Foundation Matera 2019 to the community of cultural heritage professionals and creative industries to be actively part of the action and the university of Basilicata.

After these two moments, 3 operative meetings have been organized with the first teams that will be part of the Action Plan piloting. These events took place in September (the 20th), October (20th) and November (16th).

The participations to these 5 events have been very active. In particular, the commitment from local policy makers seems to be very strong, which will be the starting point for successful outcomes.

“We will give the maximum support to the development of the actions of Heritage Smart Lab in the involved cultural sites of Matera old town, trying to collect extra financial resources to strengthen the activities and give continuity to the outputs that will be developed”, Mayor of Matera.
“Thanks to the cooperation with Materahub and Basilicata Creativa, the university and the school of specialization is building a team to support smartlabs from the scientific point of view”, Director of the School of Specialization of Archeology (Basilicata University).

The board of Basilicata Creativa Cluster has developed an economic plan and a technical and scientific support to facilitate the Action Plan development. The Basilicata Region is open to foresee extra funding for the implementation of the next steps.