In the frame of International conference in Maribor “Financing energy projects and reducing CO2 emissions from buildings by monitoring the energy efficiency”

On Wednesday, 10th of May 2017, Energy Agency of Podravje organized a work shop to kick off the EMPOWER project in the region in collaboration with the University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

EMPOWER workshop presented innovations, good practices and experiences in the field of financing energy projects and reducing CO2 emissions from buildings in Slovenia. Energy Agency of Podravje explained the aims and goals of the EMPOWER project and the ways how all stakeholders can benefit. Energy and financial monitoring and savings are the key elements of new financial mechanisms across the EU for building renovations. Dynamic energy and financial monitoring is part of regular energy management and good governance of buildings.

Speakers at the workshop were from: Financial institution SID Bank d.d. (Slovene investment and development bank), Energy Agency of GOLEA and coordinator for ELENA technical assistance in Primorska region, Petrol Company, the biggest ESCO in Slovenia  and Municipality of Sevnica as a best practice example for building renovation in small Municipality. They all presented examples of good practices in the field of energy efficiency and financing developed in Slovenia. Participants got a lot of useful information by attending the Conference.

The conference was organized within the framework of the European project EMPOWER, which is an international project funded by the European Commission's Interreg Europe. The countries involved in the project are: Slovenia, Sweden, France, Germany, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, Italy and Poland. The project objective is the exchange of ideas and experiences in the field of dynamic monitoring of energy efficiency in buildings through innovative financial instruments. The aim of the partnership is to reduce CO2 emissions and to improve strategic planning in the field of low-carbon economy.