Energy Agency of Podravje – Institute for Sustainable Energy Use hosted meeting of Energy Agencies from Slovenia and Croatia on Monday 20th of November. The meeting and press conference was organized as a part of EMPOWER project, which is co-financed by the Interreg Europe.

Bilateral meetings of Slovene and Croatian energy agencies are twice a year events where agencies present their work, exchange ideas, knowledge and search for common interest or projects at regional, national and EU level.

Energy agencies in Slovenia and Croatia have important role for the countries. Not only they offer free energy advisory services for citizens, they are also energy managers of public sector. In last 10 years energy agencies from both countries together made more than 200 million investments in sustainable energy projects. The main goal of the regular bilateral meeting is to exchange opinions, knowledge, information of the current projects, to find solutions and potentially new projects for bilateral cooperation. A part of the meeting was dedicated to energy management and monitoring and EMPOWER project activities.

At the start of the meeting a press conference was organized to present the aim and the content of the meeting and the activities of the agencies. National and local media were presented.  They were very interested in the work in investment field especially in new financial mechanisms. The EMPOWER project was presented as a cooperation of a good partnership to explore energy and financial monitoring activities for the reduction of CO2 emission and to improve strategic planning for low-carbon societies.

More photos of the event in Maribor, Slovenia you can find here