EMPOWER study visit in Maribor was hosted by the Energy Agency of Podravje. It took place on December 12th and 13th, 2017. Projects partners with the stakeholders joint the visit.

During the visit, attendees have got a first-hand experience on development and managing the Energy and financial monitoring system in public buildings. Municipality of Maribor has implemented energy monitoring system, which is web based monitoring tool using special software programme for monitoring and analysing energy related data and preparing reports. Each public building names the responsible person for data input: data from energy bills – heat and electricity and drinking water. Energy agency of Podravje follows the data, analyzes them and informs the owner and the user about the results. Agency also recommends needed measure to lower the energy and costs. The data from the system is also used for the preparation of energy certificate and documents need for investment. In 2017, around 200 public buildings in Municipality of Maribor were in the systems.

In the afternoon of the first day partners visited one small Municipality near the city of Maribor, where they presented them energy performance contracting for public lightning system and for public library. This Municipality decided to make energy refurbishment using the energy contracting systems where investment is paid by future savings and work implemented by ESCO company. During the lifetime of the agreement energy and money savings will be monitored through central monitoring and management system and regularly reported to the Municipal Council.

On the second day partners also learned about ELENA financial support from European Investment Bank. The case of the Municipality of Ljubljana was presented. It has applied for the financial support of 49 mio EUR to refurbish 50 public buildings. The work will be completed in 2019.

ENERGAP perform many activities to raise awareness of different target group. Different tools and methods were presented to the visitors.

Study visits, along with local stakeholder groups meetings, are the cornerstone of the exchange and learning process of the EMPOWER Project.