During 2 intensive days in January 2018 Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden was hosting stakeholders from Slovenia and France. The purpose was to visit energy efficient buildings as best practice. During these two days the visitors get a chance to meet and talk with decision makers, implementers and owners of public buildings, where the methods of passive house building and innovative financing solutions were highlighted.

The local press was present and the EMPOWER Study Visit was on the frontpage on January 25th, and a second article on January 26th 2018.

The first stop was Mönsterås municipality who proudly demonstrated the low energy kindergarten, a building build in passive house technique. During the visit, the staff of the kindergarten presented the building as well how the childcare system works in Sweden. The building is operating with a very low energy usage, has PV on the roof as well as green roof and is designed to gives hade in the summer and let the poor daylight in wintertime. Mönsterås has also a fine example of a low energy library where function, design and energy consumption were highlighted.

At Arena Oskarshamn the enthusiastic manager of the department showed how they continually work to reduce the energy usage by using waste heat from ice production from the public ice arena feed into the public bath with swimming pools. The importance of involving the staff in the efficiency process was especially pointed out.

Day 2 was a walk in the basement of the largest hospital in the county. The energy manager is monitoring all energy related activities in all buildings and is improving the energy standard by innovative ventilation and heating systems, and by using an innovative system for geo cooling combined with geo heating.

Finally, the trip went to the regional airport where a shared owned large PV park was demonstrated and the financial solution was presented. During the study trip the visitors could discuss solutions, not only regarding energy efficiency but also district heating, biofuel for cars, biogas production etc.

Link to short video from the study visit in Sweden https://youtu.be/31Q-iKRgOuY