In November 2018 Energy Agency of Podravje (ENERGAP) in cooperation with Green Building Council Slovenia organized a meeting as a workshop to discuss about the differences between calculated and predicted energy savings and real achieved savings and how important is to use the energy and financial monitoring from the start phase of planning through the implementation and through the whole use in a life time of the building.

At the beginning the inspector of Slovene Ministry for environmental and spaces presented legislative documents and obligations to follow when the refurbishment of the buildings is going on. The presented form Slovene institute for building presented the indicators how to measure green and sustainable buildings. New heating systems using renewable energy sources were also presented and how the planning and monitoring of savings should be done.

The colleagues from ENERGAP presented the methods and ways how to calculate the savings and how to monitor them. Specific technical monitoring was presented. Such monitoring is already part of the legislation in some regions in Germany and will probably become as standards to follow. The technical monitoring is energy monitoring upgraded with the monitoring and correlating planned and achieved indicators in the field of energy use. The participants were from public and private sector, mainly buildings maintaining services, housekeepers, investment officers and energy managers.

After the presentation a big discussion was about planning and monitoring savings and how to find skilled people for planning and performing the work.