On the 19th of November 2019 Southern Regional Assembly organized a Stakeholder’s Group Meeting.

The meeting was about:
•    Updates on funding for energy monitoring equipment.
•    Discussions around timing of installation of new energy monitoring equipment.
•    Presentation on Regional Action Plan 
•    Discussions around endorsement of Regional Action Plan.

Discussion was held between Southern Regional Assembly and Cork City Council. Through Empower project they are seeking to improve the policy instrument by implementing a pilot to calculate the exact energy usage using energy monitoring equipment of some social housing units in Cork. They seek for approval from Department of Housing, Planning & Local Government to include energy monitoring equipment costs in the overall costs of retrofitting for social housing in Ireland for future calls.

At the meeting they presented Regional Action Plan and they discussed on how the data would be presented and if it would be possible for SRA to undertake the analysis.  It was agreed that the format of the data presented would be such that SRA could do the analysis but that the integrity of the analysis would be better if done by an independent researcher. They agreed that they would revisit this in early 2020 when SEAI research calls open again.  At the end they also discussed on who is the most appropriate person to endorse the Regional Action Plan within Cork City Council.