The work to implement the pilot Eye2Eye has started. The purpose is to inform and change students and staff into a more sustainable energy behaviour at Hultsfred secondary school in Sweden. The pilot action is dedicated to test methodologies for local authorities to monitor and visualize the energy use to improve the efficiency impact together with the building visitors.

After introducing Eye2Eye in details to the principal of the secondary school in Hultsfred the next step was to sort out what kind of energy data is available to extract from the monitoring system in the building. Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden investigated this together with the local building operator Mattias Westrin, Hultsfreds municipality.

“We found out that the data input we can use from the system is to general, we need to put it more into the viewers context. This means that we can adapt the energy data to the messages to have a greater impact, however it will not be possible to use real-time energy readings, unless it´s from solar panels. “says Tommy Lindström, project manager at Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden.
The next step regarding the installation is now to receive input for the technical solutions for the screens. The internal Wi-Fi-system will be used and make the installation rather straight forward – no cables to install. The screens will be possible to move easily to a better spot if needed.

Meanwhile the technical parts are solved, the main topics for the campaign are elaborated. Different campaigning methods will be used, in close collaboration with the school and the local sustainable manager to ensure the messages sent are well in line with the local needs and circumstances. The local sustainable manager of Hultsfred municipality Arvid Lindblad will combine the Eye2Eye-campaign with the actions in the local work for implementing the Sustainable Developments Goals.

Four main methods for behaviour changes are drafted: Nudging, framing, rewarding and heuristic. Before the campaign is launched, a survey will settle the baseline of energy consciousness among the users of the building. The survey will be repeated in the end of the pilot to indicate which part of the campaign was most efficient.

Campaign approaches to investigate different forms of energy messages:

Nudging, by giving selected information the receivers of the message are gently pushed to make a sustainable choice. In Eye2Eye we will use the social norm where we know that most people want to act as the group is acting.

Framing: by presenting the situation with pictures in a certain way we can lead the receiver to act in a sustainable way.

Rewarding: by rewarding the right behaviour changes is possible. In this case we will try to find a possibility to track a change connected to the energy consumption in a selected part of the building. If positive changes happen – the users will be acknowledged and rewarded.

Heuristics: the receivers will be given selected fact and emotional messages to make their own conclusions for behaviour changes.

Picture: royaltee free picture from