Enhance Regional Meeting / Vienna, 15th of September 2020

                                        @Austrian Water and  

                                            Waste Management 

                           Association - Österreichischer Wasser- und

                  Abfallwirtschaftsverband (ÖWAV), Marc-Aurel-Straße 5, 1010 Vienna


 10:30 Introduction by Gernot Wurm, Chair of Working group “Eco-Audit” at the Austrian Water and Waste Management Association 

10:45 Presentation of EMAS Action Plan on implementation of measures including main outcomes of the project by Anneliese Ritter and Monika Brom, Environment Agency Austria 

11:15 Discussion 

11:30 Environmental Impact Assessment and EMAS – possible incentives for EMAS companies, Darina Wauro, Austria’s technical university of applied sciences 

12:15 Discussion

12:45 Lunch and information exchange 

13:15 End of the Regional Meeting 

 You can see the recording of the session through the following link:
