Held 2st interview with the officers of the new Green Public Procurement (GPP) three-years plan of the Liguria Region (Italy).
On 28th February 2022, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and the officers of the Environment and Civil Department of Liguria Region, responsible for the new GPP plan, held a meeting to understand the impacts of Covid-19 on the new GPP plan as well as understanding the implications of the plan in the framework of Circular Economy. The main results are:
• Liguria Region activities were not affected by Covid-19, as the Public Administration managed to carry out activities remotely;
• New GPP plan (2022-2024) development was not affected by Covid-19 and the plan was launched at the end of 2021;
• The new plan builds on ENHANCE project’s outputs. In fact, ENHANCE project helped Liguria Region identifying the weaknesses of the previous plan. The new plan is holistically more focused than before on Circular Economy, now recognising and further stressing GPP as one of the policy tools to achieve CE and to reduce environmental impacts in the Region. Moreover, the new plan focuses on GPP and CE trainings and initiatives with private organisations, thus enhancing the private-public partnerships in the framework of GPP and CE;
• EMAS is still one of the most important “green” criteria in GPP and CE.