The Ministry of Environmental and Spatial Planning (Regional Government of Andalusia, RGA) organized the third stakeholder meeting concerning the Interreg European Project “ENHANCE” for the promotion and improvement of EMAS, in Seville.

The stakeholders that attended were: “Cruz Roja Macarena Hospital”, “Asociación de Hoteles Sevilla y Provincia”, AENOR, Bureau Veritas, ENDESA, PIMSA VETA LA PALMA, LIMASA and “Asociación de Desguaces de Andalucia”. Also, the meeting was supported by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Rural Development of RGA. All of them are representative of the main sectors of EMAS in Andalusia: verifiers, tourism, healthcare, aquaculture, waste management and industrial sector.


At the meeting, RGA presented the main advances and results of the ENHANCE project, in particular, those achieved in the workshops and along the learning process to import good practices to Andalusia.

In addition, they reported on the importance of the Action Plan, which will be defined during the next semester together with the stakeholders group. The RGA highlighted that the stakeholders suggestions are crucial to choose the good practices to be implemented in order to translate the expectation and needs of their economic and business sector. Likewise, the ten best practices most susceptible to being implemented were presented and discussed.

Finally, the meeting concluded with a priority message: “ENHANCE should serve to advance more in the EMAS culture, so that citizens know the values that this system represents”.