The preliminary version of the Andalusian “Towars EMAS Action Plan” was presented at the meeting, whith the 5 Best Practices selected as most likely to be incorporated in our region. Also the Regional Study, which includes the main results achieved Throughout the learning process that has been carried out within the framework of the project, through interaction and collaboration with the stakeholders, the 5 Thematic Workshops held and the Exchange of Good Practices among the regions participating in the project.
In line with this collaboration and interaction with stakeholders, the opportunity to participate in the Interreg Best Practices Platform was remained because it is available not only to the project’ partners but to all participating stakeholders, in order to share the Good Practices that can serve as reference or as success stories for other European regions, framed in any of the 4 Thematic Axes existing in the Program (Research and Innovation, Competitiveness of SMEs, Low Carbon Economy, Environment and Resource Efficiency), although he insisted that it would be necessary that they were Good Practices "implemented" (not potential) and, as far as possible, related to measures in favor of EMAS companies. Also it was remained the “EMAS Ideas Bank” document, that was put into operation at the beginning of the project will remain open to all of them for any idea, suggestion or improvement proposal that could be made to improve the actions that the Ministry can carry out for the promotion of the EMAS registry in Andalusia.
Finally, three “Round Tables” were organized, each one moderated by experts and in which specific aspects of the main strategic lines to be considered in the Action Plan: Rounf Table #1: EMAS and Environmental Inspections, Round Table #2: Enhancement of EMAS, Round Table #3: Financial Instruments for the promotion of EMAS.
The main objective of these Round Tables, in which all the participants were rotating for each of the tables, was, on the one hand, to make known in detail the lines of action of the RGA to improve the positioning of the EMAS registry in Andalusia and, especially, to gather the opinions and suggestions for improvement made by the interested parties in order to improve these lines of action and align them, insofar as possible, with the needs and particularities of the sectors they represent. For each of the Round Tables, a script of points to be treated was prepared and suggestions and suggestions for improvement were collected in some Tabs / Forms, on which a “Synthesis Report” was made and shared with all attendees, together with the rest of the documentation of the meeting.