During this bilateral ENHANCE-Life BRAVER meeting, the RGA presented to INERCO the latest draft of the “Towards EMAS Action Plan Andalucia” that was presented by the General Director of Environmental Quality and Prevention (DGPCA) during the Dissemination Event held in Barcelona on November 28, 2018 within the framework of the ENHANCE project.
Note that this Action Plan is still being updated and adapted by the CMAOT and that it is within the deadline set in the ENHANCE project.
Specifically, some details of action # 6 related to the inclusion of EMAS as an environmental criterion in the Public Procurement Guide of the Junta de Andalucía were outlined. This action will be addressed by INERCO, in close collaboration with the RGA, within the framework of the project Life B.R.A.V.E.R.
Note that this action is currently in the Test Phase along with 2 other actions (Reduction of taxes for companies that have an EMAS and Categorization of legal breaches to facilitate and / or streamline the registration renewal process EMAS and the process of determining the frequency of environmental inspections), in which its technical and economic feasibility is being analyzed. Derived from the results of this feasibility analysis, the action most likely to be addressed in the next Adoption Phase will be selected in the framework of the project Life B.R.A.V.E.R.
As a result of this meeting, it was decided to include the EMAS Inclusion action as an environmental criterion in the Public Procurement Guide of the Junta de Andalucía as action # 6 in the “Towards EMAS Action Plan Andalucia”, although its development implementation will be subject to the results obtained in the Test Phase and subsequent Adoption Phase of the Life BRAVER project, scheduled for the end of June 2019.