On the 23rd of May a Regional STAKEHOLDER MEETING in France was held.  

This day provided an opportunity to present the objectives and activities of the Interreg EU GPP-STREAM project in the morning in a plenary format, as well as to present the second version of the National Plan for Sustainable Public Procurement (PNAAPD) to communities. This day was an opportunity to create a link between public actors in the field wishing to integrate sustainable development into their markets, on the one hand, and between the Ministry, the AuRA region and the members of the regional network of public buyers RREDD led by AURA-EE, on the other hand. 

During the second part of the day, group work was carried out to take stock of current practices, define a target situation and identify the levers and means necessary to advance sustainable purchasing on 3 themes

• organization, conditions and means for sustainable procurement

• development of CCTPs, from sourcing to supplier selection

• evaluation and monitoring of implementation

This first group work is one of the axes proposed by AURA-EE to the Ministry within the framework of GPP-STREAM, in order to draw up an inventory of practices and reflect on the organization necessary for sustainable purchasing, the elements of effective CCTP in terms of sustainable development, and indicators for monitoring and evaluating contracts.

Overall, the actors on the ground expect the Plan to be directly exploitable and provide concrete elements necessary for the implementation of sustainable procurement in the territories (a State Plan for the territories and not a State Plan for the State). The constraint is then for the State to propose an effective document, "light" and sufficiently precise to meet the clearly identified needs of the territories. These major trends are not surprisingly highlighted again by the survey launched in April 2019 by AURA-EE for field workers, again as part of GPP-STREAM:

- Need for concrete and reproducible examples, need for simple and effective tools

- Need to be sensitized and trained in sustainable purchasing (arguments, facts)

- Need to be accompanied and need local and regional facilitation

- Need to define specific and measurable objectives


The lessons learned from this work (survey + GT#1 session) will be continued at a future GT (#2) session on 25 June at the AURA-EE premises. Finally, the conclusions will be presented at a third Working Group session (#3) in September 2019, leading to the drafting of a summary note for the Ministry at the end of 2019. This note will provide a basis for recommendations to the Ministry for rewriting the Plan in 2020.