The event was the 2nd session of workshops (following those started in the first stakeholders regional meeting on ay the 23rd afternoon) organized in order to provide recommendations to the Ministry of environment on the current National plan for GPP (the PNAAPD) and elaborate the new version in 2020. This late session, 24 participants were attending, discussing operational practices around 3 main topics to implement GPP in territories:

• Internal organization and politics

• Elaboration and preparation of tenders

• Contract implementation and assessment

Generally, these workshops go with a survey and a review of the National plan made by AURA-EE. These materials and will be discussed with the Ministry in September. Other actions will be decided upon in the following.

Main outcomes: 

• On the 2 sessions organized in May and June, 68 different stakeholders have contributed to provide recommendations to the Ministry on the PNAAPD, the idea being to prepare a new version of the National plan more practical and “ready to use” by local players on the field.

• It is expected that the next version of the Plan be more precise regarding definitions and objectives, which is a difficult exercise due to the broad scope of GPP. This goes along with the necessity to focus more and specify deeply per category of purchases, that way the structure of the document must be adapted accordingly.

• It is expected that the Plan emphasizes good practices, to encourage and support initiatives to further design and implement environmental and social criteria. To go further on, the Plan could be linked with different planning at national and regional levels (Plan for waste prevention and management, Plan for sustainable food, National and regional plans for a circular economy, Plan for climate-air-energy, SRADDET).

Communication and promotion aspects are also important, due to the necessity to make elected representatives aware of their responsibilities and their power to accelerate the implementation of good practices in their territories. That way promotion campaigns and conferences are expected to raise awareness, and the support of the ministry in this exercise is of high importance.