Third GPP-STREAM Transnational Learning Event in Sibiu, Romania 

From 11th to 13th of September 2019, GPP-STREAM project partners from all 5 countries gathered together again for the Third transnational learning event that took place in Sibiu, Romania. The organizer of the event was the Romanian Ministry of Environment.

Local and international GPP-STREAM stakeholders were invited to attend the conference. They had the opportunity to gather and to discuss ongoing and upcoming activities connected to Green Public Procurement.

The conference started with a presentation on the part of the Romanian Environmental Ministry. Their representative introduced the state of play in GPP in Romania, including the Law on GPP, the GPP guide and the National Action Plan.

What followed was a set of good practices implemented at local level. Additionally, several Romanian municipalities (Sibiu, Târgu- Mureș, Brașov, and Botoșani) presented their climate change adaptation strategies.

The Romanian Centralized Procurement System at the national level was presented by a representative of the Centralized Procurement Agency. There were also several other presentations in the field of GPP performed by different Romanian stakeholders.

The project partner “Association of Municipalities of Ribera Alta Region - MANRA” presented a summary of the good practices identified by project partners within GPP-STREAM project. The full report of the best practices is available on the project website at:

During the event, all participants were kindly invited to take part in field visits such as the renovation of the building of the Romanian Environmental Protection Agency located in Sibiu, as well as a site visit to the underground electrical and communication cables in Sibiu.

There was a Steering Committee meeting where partners discussed project progress and pending activities for the Third project semester.

All partners, stakeholders and participants enjoyed a fruitful meeting and are planning ahead the next transnational learning events. This time, in France and Bulgaria.