Second Bulgarian GPP-STREAM Webinar related to GPP for EU funds beneficiaries and for urban and rural development plans was held on the 23rd of April 2020.

Here is the video!

Mr. Georgi Simeonov (CSEG) and Mr. Nikolay Dimitrov (Gabrovo Municipality) spoke about the aims of the GPP-STREAM project, the Action plans that are being prepared by partners, the state-of-the-art legislation and available guidance on the subject. Mr Dimitrov gave examples and good practices.
1. Presentation of the GPP-STREAM project - main activities and achievements during the first 2 years of the project - CSEG Association, Pazardzhik, Mr. Georgi Simeonov
2. Applicability and development of GPP at national and regional level. Municipal administration - Gabrovo, Mr. Nikolay Dimitrov.

Thanks to all attendees and expect our forthcoming EU webinar!