During the event “Meet Italy for life science” held in Trieste – Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, all ITHACA partners met on the 16th October to discuss with regional stakeholders on smart health governance and eco - system.

A lot of significative presentations enabled the audience to get aware that, to build up a successful eco-system for smart health and care innovation, we need: robust policy context and political support, financial backing, technological and commissioning/procurement readiness and above all a multi-stakeholder collaboration based on trust to make concrete the quadruple helix innovation model and to scale up innovative solutions.

The partner Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, gave a detailed overview of the actual governance of the Smart health Area in the context of the Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy and presented the envisaged actions to develop in the next two years 2020 – 2021 to improve the effectiveness of the ROP ERDF 2014 – 2020.

All ITHACA partners took an active part in the workshop sharing their action plans and stimulating discussion and common reflection on new economic and innovation models able to tackle the demographic challenge.