Online activities are getting increasingly important in project implementation. The abrupt shift to virtual and online environments in 2020 might have taken some adjustment, but now is the time to take stock of the lessons learnt. This was the starting point for the online workshop “Exchange of experience: online project activities” organized by Interreg Europe last 30 September.

The session was joined by experts responsible of different Interreg Europe projects, and MOMAr was present too with the representation of Irene Ruiz, scientific coordinator, Marisa Sebastián, MOMAr’s project manager, and Janneke Verdijk, project manager for the Province of Groningen.

In a dynamic and interactive session, the participants could share their experiences and knowledge learnt during these past months as well as discussed topics such as online opportunities linked to study visits and stakeholder engagement, or tools, methods, and tips for other online activities.

The MOMAr representatives were satisfied with the workshop and the possibility to share their own experience with other projects. As Irene Ruiz declared: “We have agreed that digital tools and online meetings can facilitate some aspects such as reaching a larger audience, allowing the stakeholders themselves to present their good practices or solving communication problems through interpreter channels”.

In that sense, MOMAr project decided to do the exchange meeting in an online format taking advantage of all the opportunities the technology allows but keeping the Study Visit as a face-to-face activity. Besides, MOMAr partners are working in small groups of stakeholders, and they carry out MOMAr tour with a limited number of participants in order to maintain the spirit of the project, strongly attached to a presence in the territory since the core work is heritage, but adapting the measures to the new COVID situation.

The three experts who attended the workshop will share the conclusions with the other partners during the next scientific meeting, planned for the 6th of October.