On November 25, Irene Ruiz, from the MOMAr scientific team, was invited by Hispania Nostra, an association for the defense of heritage, to contribute to the digital debate: "The future of cultural heritage in Europe" to reflect on the future of Europe and the new pillars on which it should be supported, as well as to try to establish what role corresponds to cultural heritage.

Starting from the values of the New European Bauhaus and participating in the Conference on the Future of Europe, different young experts debated some ideas about the current challenges, such as the pandemic, climate change, social differences, and the heritage of rural areas

With special reference to the MOMAr project, at the panel "New visions", the topic "the structuring of the territory and the work to stop depopulation as a paradigm of sustainability and heritage as a tool for social and economic development" was addressed together with some of the key ideas being developed in the MOMAr Action Plans.