The MOMAr partner organisation from Romania, Mehedinti County, shares its individual Action Plan as the end of the first phase of the project is rapidly approaching. As explained by Ionica Negru, the Vicepresident of Mehedinti County Council, in the past, the region has experienced difficulties in implementing a successful strategy in relation to the development of natural and cultural assets in terms of resources and specialisation in new models of development and management. The MOMAr project has offered the opportunity to the county representatives and stakeholders to learn about efficient management strategies to valorise its natural and cultural heritage.

Thus, during the first phase of the MOMAr project, the Mehedinti County team gained valuable experience and knowledge and could discover the use of augmented reality in the field of heritage management. Digital tools have been integrated into this Action Plan to revolutionise tourism in the county through two main actions inspired by different good practices from other partner organisations.

Creating a cultural events hub

First, the Action Plan presents the action that the region wants to develop in Obîrșia de Câmp, which will be submitted to various national funding programs of the central Ministry of Regional Development. The main idea of this project is to transform the neoclassical Gheorghe Pleșa Palace, which can be found in this village, into a cultural events hub which would allow the development of permanent, temporary or seasonal cultural-educational activities, such as exhibitions, debates, creative camps, workshops or shows. The palace, built at the end of the 19th century on the model of French architecture, could turn into an important site where visitors would go to enjoy an innovative and new experience.

This action is the output of the inspiration of good practices that were presented during the MOMAr project and that showed the Mehedinti County team the importance of local cultural management for visitors but also the importance of the preservation of the artistic and architectural legacy.

Digitalising to promote cultural heritage

The second intended action concerns the Iron Gates Museum, located in Drobeta Turnu Severin, which is the most important cultural institution in the region and also a heavily visited tourist attraction. It has an inestimable value as it illustrates the historical evolution of the county and presents the most representative characteristics of the whole geographical region. The museum contributes to the education of the inhabitants and has become a centre of cultural and patriotic irradiation for the communities living on the Danube lands.

Thanks to the MOMAr project, Mehedinti County discovered the importance of the implementation of digital tools in the promotion and preservation of heritage, which inspired them to digitalise the patrimony of the Museum of the Iron Gates Region. This action will be useful to promote this cultural richness through new technologies, provide quality information about heritage sites and enhance visitors’ experience.