RERA - Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia (Czech Republic) organised their first stakeholder meeting, last December 2019. The aim of this meeting was to constitute formally a stable group of work. The group was constituted of 16 people from organisations that are not partners in the cooperation but meet periodically to participate in MOMAr’s project. The stakeholders’ group ensures that interregional learning does not remain at the level of the partner organization, other key regional/local actors are reached too.

The stakeholders for RERA are the Regional Authority of South Bohemia, the Union of Towns and Municipalities of South Bohemia, the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Agriculture.  

Initial meeting

During the initial stakeholder meeting, there were different key points discussed. Such as the project introduction, project submission process, project overall goals and objectives. Afterward, the project benefits for the region and the stakeholders involved were explained too. Stakeholders were invited to be involved in all activities, and in the end, it was presented the good and failed practice examples in the region.

The meeting was a great success and many discussions on behalf of the stakeholders took place. South Bohemia – RERA partner concluded: “our stakeholders are a very valuable present, they come from the field of regional development, historical monument management and tourism“.