One main focus of the Action Plan of South Ostrobothnia is to develop the region’s competence in food safety by new development projects, new training programmes as part of SeAMK’s (Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences ) curriculum and education export, gathering a network of regional enterprises and organizations with competences on and by arranging a ERIAFF (European Regions for Innovation in Agriculture, Food and Forestry) conference in Seinäjoki.
The international ERIAFF conference took place in Seinäjoki on the 11-13 of June 2018 around three core themes: high tech agriculture, nutrition and big data.
As a spin-off activity within NICHE, a Food Province Network Facebook group was set up in early 2018 in order to bring together the actors around the food sectors. In the network there are now almost 200 members and the page is working actively especially as a place to inform about different activities around the food sector such us seminars, workshops, new projects and investments.
At the same time, NICHE pilot action in South Ostrobothnia focusses on developing and scaling up the regional brand Food Province - Ruokaprovinssi to the national and the international level is under implementation.