NICHE Final Conference took place in Timisoara, Romania, on September 11th 2019.
More than 35 international organisations and about 70 local ones attended the event.

Players of the food sector from 7 EU countries joined a knowledge exchange and networking experience, where successful food policies and practices have been showcased, together with their regions and their transferability potential for (re)designing food policies, as well as outstanding examples of cooperation as results of NICHE implementation in the regions.

International key stakeholders such as policy makers, support organisations for the food sector, universities and R&D centres, innovative food businesses, will be engaged in thematic sessions tackling global food trends, support services for boosting innovation in food businesses, cooperation in food value chains, responsible food production and consumption and food policies at European level.

The Food Experience Tour on September 12th spotlighted part of the local producers involved in Arome Proprii (, a pilot initiative of West RDA to support local food consumption.
It included short visits to producers of bread, spices & herbs, wine, mustard and beer as well as tasting local recipes in places with charming sceneries.