The main priority of the local action plan under implementation in Tartu Region is to boost production of healthy added value food products and to increase the number of companies producing healthy food by 20-30%.
Several workshops related to product development targeting food businesses have been organised with BioCC OU, Polli Horticultural Research Centre, Tartu Business Advisory Services and NICHE local stakeholders’ group.
"Science in the porridge - functional food” was one of the thematic workshops organised to introducethe development of an innovativehealthyproduct–Heldemixedgrainporridges Helde range of mixed grain porridges was created in cooperation with scientists from BioCC OÜ and the University of Tartu. The porridges contain an abundance of the nutrients, minerals and vitamins that everybody needs. All of the raw ingredients used in the range are carefully selected and of the highest quality. The grains from which the dry ingredients are produced lose none of their beneficial qualities during the flaking process. Oat bran is added to each of the porridge mixtures. The secret to the healthful effects of bran lies in betaglycan, which dissolves in water The new Helen Helde range of functional porridges are the first in Estonia to have been created in cooperation with scientists.