5th stakeholders meeting in Granada
Online session organized by Spanish Partner - County Council of Granada
This year is really difficult for all of us. As you already know, lots of activities that were planned in any Projects financed by the European Union, had to be changed. Anyway, we're still running our activity. As it was planned, on the 4th of November, a stakeholders' meeting took place in Granada. Because of the pandemic situation, the meeting was run online with the use of the TEAMS platform.
During the meeting, very important issues were touched on, such as:
- Presentation of the Sostenia Technical Team (consultancy in charge to prepare the Action Plan of the province of Granada), the Provincial Council of Granada Technical Team, and the rest of the attendees.
- Presentation of the work plan proposal developed by Sostenia. Work elements, schedule, communication methodology for the project development (specific email and shared folder in Google Drive).
- Brief introduction of different pilot actions that could be part of the Action Plan and presentation of the stage in which the two pilot actions (on line Agenda and web map of the entities supporting entrepreneurs in Granada) have been developed in a technological level during the last months.
The commitment expressed by all the stakeholders to face the Action Plan development. They now all know the mechanism created to facilitate the interlocution and exchange of ideas with the different agents involved. Some regional activities were planned to facilitate the development of the Action plan. These are:
- setting up of a common folder in Google Drive, that all of them who had provided their email can access for checking every update;
- creation of a unique email for the Action Plan development.
Also, the schedule that will permit to maintain three group meetings with all the stakeholders involved from now to next May 2021 had been planned.
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