What V4 For The Rescue Startup Program exactly is?
A recovery program for European startups struggling with Covid-19 and needing help with returning to growth.
The Covid-19 crisis has undeniably changed the world. The ongoing crisis is causing an impending and emerging financial and economic downturn that will hit all the plans of start-ups and innovation teams to date. While a recovery plan is under development and the EU is discussing very ambitious measures to foster innovation in all regions, one of the biggest threats to this situation is that many of the current innovation teams and start-ups will not survive long enough to really benefit from this.
In this difficult and initial situation, this program aims to create a lifeline for entrepreneurs who need urgent help to return to growth. Bearing in mind our motto “Crises come and go. Experience and knowledge remain. ”We have created a manual, instructions on how to survive the current crisis and at the same time improve it in terms of investment. How to heal a company in a crisis?" contains developed materials answering the question of how to assimilate to the new reality and how to get the tools to overcome the crisis. The publication is divided into four main chapters covering the most important issues related to company management during a pandemic: finance, business modeling, pitching, and leadership.
In addition, in the first quarter of 2021, the program's developers initiated a practical program and a second-level test with 20 startups, including online webinars and individual coaching with mentors who have experience in crisis situations and will help them protect themselves from survival. . Workshops and individual coaching will end by the end of April 2021
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