During our partnership meeting, the project - Dorset Growth Hub - was presented as a good practice.

What's that?


Dorset Growth Hub is a  premier business support agency that provides local support for business since 2014. By their activity, they want to support businesses that wants to grow, increase employment, improve the competitiveness  and encourage inward investment to the county.


They are financed by local and national government, and the EU funds and work with a huge variety of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), from tiny one-person start-ups to firms employing up to 250 people.

The Dorset Growth Hub provides
    Free events and workshops for businesses, at venues across Dorset
    Access to grants, loans and other business finance solutions
    Support to the Dorset Engineering & Manufacturing Cluster (Dorset EMC)
    information and advice on inward investment in Dorset.

Do you want to get to know them better?

Feel free to visit their website: www.dorsetgrowthhub.co.uk