Economy Forum in Krynica - that's the biggest conference in Midwest part of Europe. The event hosts about 4000 guests each year. The heads of governments and parliaments, ministers and parliamentarians from Poland, the presidents of the largests companies, experts, representatives of science world, culture and media from over 60 countries have a chance to exchange their views on the current political, economic and social situation in the world. On 4-6 September, 2018 - the XXVIII Economy Forum was organised in Krynica.


During that conference, the "Polish startups 2018" report was presented and had its debut. The report is being published each year since 2015. We may find there that money really isn't the main factor that pushes to choose that career path - starting a startup, I mean. What is that reason then? The question may seem to be easy to answer - most staruppers claimed that organization model and having real influence on decission-making, is the main reason. It is also mentioned in the report, that startup employees aren't only rewarded by salary, but they also get so called "equity stock" or "option pool". What is that? Might seem crazy - but these just are company shares.


It is also presented in the report, that the most popular brands for startups  still are IoT and FinTech. Companies operating in BigData area, are still the most popular ones. The second place belongs to the ones, that work in a broadly understood - analyst area. It was noticed that there is quite big decrease in export, while sales in B2B model become more popular and successful brand.


Report authors say that progressive decentralization of the ecosystem is quite interesting occurence. Startups, that are the most successful, come from such cities as Cracow, Wroclaw or Poznan. Brainly - the startup from Cracow - is an example of Polish record-holder in fundraising. Till now, they've collected more than 39 million dollars thanks to participation in the international investment market.


Support for startups was also mentioned in the report as pretty important thing. What kind of support exactly is needed? Money? It seems to be important, right? However - it's not the most important one. Young and less experienced startuppers want to learn about marketing, management and its trends. What expect more professional ones? They just want to spend their time on brand meetings and mentoring. That helps them to expand networks, as people seem to be the most important part of startup and its development.


The whole report might be downloaded for free. Click here to get it.