The Universe is calling us...

We may be proud and happy...

Why? I'll tell you why...

The Podkarpackie Voivodeship officially joined the venture named ESA BIC POLAND. It is a network of business incubation centers coordinated and co-financed by the European Space Agency. It operates in 17 countries and now, Poland may join that group. 50,000 euros are available for that space business.


What that ESA is?

The European Space Agency (ESA) was created  in Paris on May 30, 1975. It is an intergovernmental organization which task is to implement a common European program for research and use of space. The agency also supports the development of a modern and competitive industry in the Member States. ESA programs are designed to learn as much as possible about the Earth, its immediate surroundings, the space of our Solar System and the Universe.


ESA BIC Poland?

ESA BIC is a network of business incubation centers coordinated and co-financed by the European Space Agency. The main goal of ESA is to support startups that use space technologies. In February 2018, Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A. initiated the creation of the business incubation center of the European Space Agency ESA BIC, announcing the call for the creation of ESA BIC Poland.

Three consortia have then applied:
- a consortium of entities located in Rzeszów - the leader of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship Board.
- a consortium of entities located in Gdańsk and Kraków - the leader of the Blue Dot Solution company;
- a consortium of entities located in Warsaw, Łódź and Wrocław - the leader of the Enterprise Entrepreneurship Foundation.

The consortium with headquarters in Rzeszów, apart from the voivodship self-government, includes Asseco Poland, which is the largest Polish IT company, also offering services and solutions for the space sector, and HugeTech sp. O.o, specialized in supporting startups. and Regional Development Agency MARR from Mielec, Rzeszów Regional Development Agency, Rzeszów University of Technology, University of Rzeszów, Aviation Valley Association, PnP Systems, Polskie Zakłądy Lotniczeg sp. z oo, Olimp Laboratories, Wytwórnia Zespołów Kooperacyjnych sp z o. o., and Seger Cutting Tools Ozga Mikuszewski public sp.


What next?

Startup that will qualify for the project, may receive 50,000. EUR of non-returnable aid and 50,000 feedback support. The provided project duration is  five years. Two startups can count on such assistance each year. Startups will also receive substantive assistance from partners within a specified number of hours.

In April, the European Space Agency will assess applications, sign a possible agreement in June, and the Polish ESA BIC incubator could start operating in July 2019.


I am so excited about it, and can't wait for the results... What about you??