GRANADA EMPRESAS, the platform of free advisory support for entrepreneurs of the County Council of Granada, celebrates 10 years helping entrepreneurs to create their own company. It has contributed starting up more than 2100 companies in the hands of more than 2800 entrepreneurs.

Ten years ago, digital platforms for entrepreneurs was not a common tool in the Spanish Public Administration. However, the County Council of Granada guessed that it was an opportunity to access to entrepreneurs who need to start their business idea regardless of where they live. Indeed, our territory covers 174 municipalities where 78,5% of them have less than 5.000 inhabitants and only 22 with more than 10.000.That’s why digital technology opened a new communication channel which helps to optimize public ressources to get close to the citizens and their needs. However, the relation between the County Council of Granada and the entrepreneurs was before this platform’s creation which reaches 10 years. Precisely this previous khowledge has helped to design the platform

During this 10th Anniversary of Granada Empresas which took place the 15th of March of 2019 in the CIE (Center of Entreprising Initiative) of the County Council of Granada, the manager director of the Delegation of Employment and Sustainable Development has presented all the European projects operating currently in this department. One of these is the OSS Interreg Europe Project which general objective is to influence policies for the competitiveness of SMEs by improving support services for entrepreneurship. At the same time, specific objectives in every thing related to exchange experience, identify, validate, compare and transfer good practices were explained highlighting digital solutions, mentoring and tutoring, access to financing and governance in the ecosystem for entrepreneurship as well as the transnational partnership integrated by Norway (leader partner), Spain,Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia, Belgium and United Kingdom.