On 29th March, 2019 the second regional stakeholders meeting took place in Sofia, Bulgaria. The meeting focused on the second thematic workshop in Aldershot.

The second issue that was discussed during the meeting, was the ongoing partners meeting and thematic workshop in September 2019 in Bulgaria.The selection of relevant Good practices and organizing the study visits were discussed by stakeholders. Some of the stakeholders expressed their willingness for participation in the organization of the study visit in Sofia and all of them are very interested in meeting the stakeholders from partners countries.


The most important points of the meeting were as follows:

  • presentation and explanation of good practices, presented during the 2nd thematic workshop – Digitalization and digital capability. Digital services for start-ups. 
  • Targeted discussion regarding the GPs that could be transfered in Bulgaria
  • Discussion about the preparation of  workshop « Mentoring and facilitation of collaboration between start-ups and relevant regional businesses », that is going to be hosted by a Bulgarian partner  
  • Identification of Good practices for Mentoring and facilitation of collaboration between start-ups and regional businesses 
  • Action plan. Structure and specific requirements.

The Action plan – structure and purpose was presented to stakeholders in order to make them aware of the importance of stakeholders’ participation in the first stage of the project –learning process and the second stage of implementation and monitoring of results. The model of the Action plan, design and number of actions as well as the selection of most relevant Good Practices/elements of Good Practices for transferring and effectiveness of the actions were for first time presented to the participants.