On May 23, 2019, the Rzeszów Regional Development Agency organized the 2nd meeting of regional stakeholders within the OSS project - One Stop Shop towards competetive SMEs, focusing on the ecosystem for the first line service system.

The Regional Meeting of stakeholders was combined with the regional information event in order to inform people about the OSS project and activities made as part of our project.

The meeting was attended by 28 people from public and private institutions involved in supporting start-ups in the Podkarpackie Region,  from Rzeszów Regional Development Agency, Mielec Regional Development Agency, Podkarpackie Marshal's Office, Incubator of HugeTECH start-ups, Rzeszów University of Technology, private innovative companies (eg Fibrain) and some associations.


Our event was honored by the presence of Michał Misztal, the expert on start-up matters, CEO of Startup Academy, business trainer with huge experience in the field of startups, author of business educational programs for start-ups. During our meeting, he shared with us many important information from the startup industry. It is worth remembering what he said about the financing of the startup: "If you complain about the lack of funds and that stops you from doing business, you need to get acquainted with the concept of bootstrapping - the method of building a startup, using only your own resources. The absolute majority of hypotheses regarding a business idea can be verified without large capital, using free tools or using small funds. Bootstrapping does not allow for the dynamic development of the company, but it significantly increases the chances for obtaining an investment that will allow to develope. "


As part of the event, we had the opportunity to talk about the project, its key assumptions and planned results, also about the meeting in Great Britain and good practices of partners in the field of digitization. In addition, during the meeting we had the opportunity to discuss the progress of the project so far and to figure out what steps we should take in the future, especially in the field of changes in regional policies.