Equaleyes Solutions it's a startup that was founded on 9th January, 2012. It's location is in two countries - United Kingdom (London) and Slovenia (Maribor). The aim of their activity is to  make smartphones accessible and comfortable for all ages and abilities.

 They make using of smartphones better by proving smartphones with a homescreen that is simple and easy to use.  It has been designed to contain a portfolio of apps ranging from basic phone features to apps for different users with specific needs also depending on their problems. These homescreens and all of these apps have a consistent look and feel, making the device as simple to use as possible - enabling everyone who uses it equal access to the digital age.


It runs on Android operating system, leveraging the options an open platform provides. EqualEyes is compatible with any device, from Android version 2.2 onward (Froyo), to the newest (4.4 KitKat).

More info: equaleyes.com/about