As it's 1st October - many of startup competitions are starting now.

Now, please, let me present you one of Polish Competitions - Orzeł Innowacji Startup. The editors of "Rzeczpospolita" magazine announced the sixth edition of competitions for  the most innovative projects that have arrived on the market last year (1 Jan-31 Dec, 2018). Several categories have been prepared for the participants of this competition: the best technological solution, the best non-technological solutions, a start-up with the Poland-wolrd potential  and a solution for the common good. Each of the categories is further divided into projects in the finite phase and projects in the preparation phase. In addition, a start-up will be selected among all entries that will receive the Special Award - 'The Best Start-up of 2019'.

Photo by Marko Blažević on Unsplash

The best innovations in several categories will be awarded: product, service, production process, marketing, sales and other, i.e. other implemented innovations. The winners will receive the title "Eagle of Innovation Project 2019".Applications for this competitions may be sent until October 31, 2019, using the special application forms available on the official competition website: