As a reaction to the sanitary and economic crisis motivated by theCOVID-19, Granada Provincial Council has decided to strength the municipalities role and their importance in the process of overcoming this crisis, asking them to design Local Plans of Reconstruction according to the real needs of each local authority .


     Photo: pixabay

It has been requested that each municipal council reviews the agreements signed with the Provincial Council within the framework of the Partnership Procedure “Network Granada” supplied with 47 millions of euros, to use these economic resources to actions considered as "essential", and that are linked to the social emergency situation that is being suffered.

In addition, it has been underlined that this is an open process, which will be adapted to future circumstances, while fully respecting the priorities expressed by each municipal council.

The final objective of this proposal is to design a Provincial strategy that will allow the recovery of the province after the pandemic. This reconstruction involves protecting people in economic and employment difficulties, in a way that all the businesses and companies that have carried out their activities in the different municipalities can reopen as soon as possible under optimal conditions, despite the economic impact of the sanitary crisis.

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