In our Stakeholders Online Workshop session, the representative of Municipality of  Rauma had a chance to present the idea of and their engagement to this project. We're also glad that they had a chance to take part in our session. And that's what they wrote about us:

At the end of April, Ane Marte Hammerø, project manager at Nordveggen and Advisor Hoppid, was to be in Granada, Spain, together with representatives of Innovation Norway and the county council. This is related to an ongoing EU-funded project, in partnership with entities such as the municipality of Møre og Romsdal. The partnership includes entities from Spain, Great Britain, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Poland. Due to the situation caused by the coronavirus, a digital meeting was organized instead, and when we visited the Utrøna Innovation Center the day before, Hammerø was in the process of testing his position with Solveig Brøste Sletta.

Sletta has been involved in the start of hoppid office at Rauma since its inception in 2008. This office was then the first in the Romsdal region. There is currently a Hoppid office in all municipalities of the county, but Rauma has been honored. He talks a bit about the work done here. Ane Marte has also been involved in the development of the service, says Sletta.

Improved course performance

Digital entrepreneurship courses, which are the latest in the context of hops, have already been discussed. Two courses have already been completed - and the third starts at the end of May. It has been found that the exchange rate is now higher than before. Previously, participants met physically at the meeting. Now you meet digitally several times and develop ideas along the way. Then you have good and so complete plans that you can simply start applying for a loan or applying for a bank loan.

Hammero said a little about how they ended up when a small community with only 7,500 residents in the center of the fjord developed a business community that works closely and has been assigned such an important regional role. The fact that the municipality and business community are the owners of Nordveggen's limited liability company is one thing. Business partnerships have also been created that make a major contribution.

The big change

Sletta says that the number of enterprises in the municipality is approximately at the poviat level, comparing to the number of inhabitants. "We have about 50-60 per year. With some it's just a simple meeting, with others more. Today we met with someone who met with patent lawyers in Oslo to discuss whether the idea could be patented. Then we participate in consultancy", says Sletta. "All statistics show that as unemployment increases, more and more people want to create their own workplace", says Hammerø.

Among the recipients are people who work both locally, regionally and nationally in different countries. It will be exciting to hear what they are passionate about. They see with new eyes what we could do differently. Hammerø believes that the purpose of this exchange of experiences is to develop everyone.