Action 2:
Title of action: Develop further the new model of creative hubs: Evaluate the impact of the Creative hubs policy on the Walloon territory
Brief description on what it is about:
Based on the recommendation of the policy roundtable that we led in January 2019, we decided to launch an evaluation of the impact of the Creative hubs policy on the Walloon territory. The goal was to build additional and complementary indicators that will measure crossovers between sectors and audience
Who is involved/how is the stakeholder-cooperation?
The public service of Wallonia selected an external provider (Reid Consulting and Inno TSD) and associated the Creative hub of Wallonia to co-build the indicators.
Highlights and outstanding outcomes:
The evaluation ended in June 2020. We presented the results and the recommendations to the Walloon Minister Cabinet of Economy on the 26th June 2020. The creative hubs will submit for the first time in January 2021 qualitative indicators for their reporting.
Action 3
Title of action: Develop further the new model of creative hubs: Elaborate a new proposal for creative hubs in Wallonia
Brief description on what it is about:
As the ERDF programming will soon end, it is the moment to propose some improvements at the model of creative hubs. Institutional actors agree on the fact that the creative hub model needs to be remodeled to improve its effectiveness.
Who is involved/how is the stakeholder-cooperation?
Public Service-of Wallonia, Sowalfin and Digital agency and the Creative hubs of Wallonia.
Highlights and outstanding outcomes:
Based on the external evaluation, our team at the Public Service-of Wallonia, the Sowalfin and the Digital agency thought about a new model for the creative hubs and other tools of the open innovation ecosystem in Wallonia such as the fablabs, coworking, incubators,… We have written down this proposal during the first semester of 2020 and presented it on the 14 July of 2020 to the Cabinet of the Minister of Economy. We are now presenting this to each creative hub to see how they can evolve in the future. This new model is very much linked to the S3 strategy and the new ERDF programme.