Presentation of the RCIA project to the local stakeholder group in Catalonia

On the 11th of May took place at the Barcelona Design Hub building the first meeting of the local stakeholder group of the Regional Creative Industries Alliance (RCIA) project, which was organized together with BCD-Barcelona Design Center, which also presented the Interreg Europe project, Design for Innovation.

The meeting was attended by 14 people from different institutions and organizations linked to the cultural and creative industries in the region, namely the Government of Catalonia, Barcelona Provincial Council, Barcelona City Council, General Council of Chambers of Commerce of Catalonia, Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, BCD- Barcelona Design Center and the Technological Center Eurecat.

During the meeting, the objectives and planned activities of the project were presented, as well as the regional best practices that are expected to be presented at the next meeting of the consortium at interregional level, to open the debate on possible new approaches and proposals by the local interested group.

As an example, the good practices presented during the study visit in Vienna last March were shared: the coworking space secktor5 and the annual event Forward Festival, involving European designers, politicians and creatives.

The meeting also served to specify the possible ways of collaboration in the project by the local stakeholder group as well as the opportunities generated by the exchange of experiences to improve interregional action plans.

Finally, it led to a discussion group in which has been stressed the importance of design in the economy and the industry as a driver of innovation and competitiveness in business and the need to integrate regional and Europe policies.

Another interesting topic that generated a fruitful discussion was the link between cultural and creative industries with experience industries, in line with current trends, which put the consumer at the center of the product or service experience. This link with the experience also opened a debate on a new approach that includes sectors that have traditionally been disconnected from the cultural and creative industries such as tourism, which currently offers cultural experiences for museums, tourist sites and even restaurants and hotels, thus blurring the lines between sectors.