RCIA Kick-off Meeting

The project was successfully kicked-off in Vienna on 1-3 March 2017. Besides laying a solid foundation for an efficient management and agreeing on the strategy of how to communicate to the targeted stakeholders, but also to the wider public, the partners focused on starting the real work on policies. The first step was to gather a first insight on what policy good practices are there in their regions to be shared and the second step to cluster them in a structure that shall make the exchange on these practices efficient from a transferability perspective.

The project coordinator aws presented first its main policies and policy measures related to cultural and creative industries such as: the Creative Industries Strategy for Austria, the Impulse programme – the subsidy programme for creative industry based innovation projects, the FISA programme – the Film Industry Support Austria, the aws Industry-Startup.net – a new initiative connecting startups with corporates, as well as an overview on how the ERDF funds are being implemented in Austria.


On the last day of the meeting, a study visit to sektor5 enabled hands-on discussions with Austria’s elected best co-working space and learning about the upstriving 5starts programme – the Austrian Best Incubator programme 2016. The presentation of the Forward Festival bringing together European designers, policy makers and creatives wrapped up the intense learning programme.