Lubelski Wzór is the largest event combining the creative industry with business, opening new opportunities for cooperation between designers and entrepreneurs. The main goal of the event is the integration of creative and business environments. The 2019 edition was visited by over 500 people representatives of various groups.

The 5th jubilee edition turned out to be extraordinary - for the first time in history it was realized in a 2-day format: 22 – 23.11.2019. The event was built based on the slogan "Design + business", and its individual program points were shaped with the economic development of the Lublin region in the context of changes in the creative industry.

During the event, participants could benefits from: 12 case studies in 6 thematic blocks - architecture, design, games, interiors, digital and branding, 8 expert lectures, 4 thematic workshops and lecture by keynote speaker: Mr. Tomek Rygalik - a designer widely recognized in the design industry. In addition, participants could benefit from a specially prepared and moderated networking area, which was a direct meeting place between designers and entrepreneurs.