The kick-off meeting of the project RUMORE took place on 13th-14th March 2017 in Hamburg, Germany. The two-day event was organised by the Lead Partner, HafenCity University. Aim of the meeting was to launch the project and to start working on the joint activities for innovation in rural-urban partnerships.
The first RUMORE meeting brought together all project partners. During the meeting, the partners discussed key aspects of the project organisation and increased the common understanding. They exchanged on the format of cooperation with the local stakeholder groups and established the three working groups of the project “Influencing Regional Innovation Strategies", "Institutionalising Urban-Rural Linkages" and "Empowering and Mobilising Innovation Actors".
In an individual session, all partners presented the policy instruments they address and will improve. After that, the partners discussed the territorial context and policy landscape in the partner regions, the main characteristics of the different regional innovation systems and the possibilities for integrated urban-rural development in innovation policies.